Monday, February 22, 2016

Linux Mint isn't Hacked!

I Still Can't Believe that Linux Mint Website and their Image has been modified online! What disturbs me even more is that its been done Through a Bulgarian Server!

I am not sure if I am supposed to be impressed or disappointed!

I am proud to be Bulgarian from a nation filled with history and human occupation from over 1.4 million years ago. 

I hope all Linux Distros Learn to  have a secure website when they provide Open Source Linux!

As far as I am concerned Linux Mint isn't Hacked because it's simply their website and their software image online so anyone who has downloaded and installed Linux Mint on February 20th, 2016 from their site might have been compromised with bad image!

The Message I am Reading is "If you Can't Hack it, Modify it!" cause Linux is awesome!

Anyone who has downloaded and/or installed Linux Mint prior to that date should be OK! I've installed my Linux Mint over a Year ago and its perfectly fine and fast and yes EVEN SECURE!

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